Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Web2.0 - 23 ways challenge

Picture taken from Flickr on 10th/04/09 - Jan's little blue shoe posted by ToniVC

I am very excited to start this blog and take a journey into the investigation of how we as educators, can utalise the tools on the web to engage in education through e-learning and social learning strategies.

I am participating in a few e-learning projects this year and even though I use many Web2.0 tools in my own work and personal practice, I couldn't miss the opportunity to participate in the 23 ways learning opportunity.

The picture of the small baby shoe above represents the baby steps that I will take on this journey with my clients, and that for some people - developing and delivering e-learning and also changing the 'practice' to embed e-learning is a new shoe to wear.

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